Activity in PayPal Community

Cómo descargar via API Reporte de Movimientos

¡Hola!Estoy tratando de sacar tal cual es, el reporte de movimientos de mi cuenta via api.Ya trabajé con los webhooks y el listado de transacciones, pero mi necesidad actual es contar con los datos tal cual los mostraría Paypal cuando lo hacemos de f...

dino58 by New Community Member
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close dispute so they can refund me? Is this correct?

I ordered from a company at the beginning of April and have not received my item. They have repeatedly told me to keep checking the tracking which has not changed since 15th April. I have requested a refund as I still have no item. I also paid extra ...

Currency conversion

Hello! I am from Israel, and I am trying to transfer the money from my PayPal account to either my credit card or bank account in dollars. I have already created a dollar account in my bank account. However, every time I try to transfer dollars to my...

Paypal bucht mit zweimal ab

Hallo Paypal-Community, Vergangenen Samstag habe ich 25 Euro von einem Bekannten erhalten, die ich dann einem anderen Freund schicken wollte. Nach dem Senden wurde mir klar, dass ich die falsche Email Adresse verwendet habe. Also habe ich die Transak...

Paypal scope is not allowing us to include additional params.

Paypal scope is not allowing us to include additional params to get access to their subscription plans, invoices, etc. Only allows openid+profile. Please see example of the url that currently works, but will fails when we add additional scopes like b...

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